Working from Home during COVID-19
With the need to protect themselves and their families from Covid-19 many people are choosing to work from home. While it can seem as simple as plugging in your laptop or home computer, connecting to the internet and away you go, that is not quite all there is to it.
Some of the considerations are obvious and some are less obvious. Then, there are those that are obvious when you hear them and finally there are those you may not have considered.
The obvious can include having your laptop or computer up-to-date and running the latest operating system and your home work environment is safe and complies with all Safe Work Australia guidelines. Read the Safe Work Australia Model Code of Practice: Managing the work environment and facilities.
The less obvious include ensuring you back-up regularly and have suitable security measures on your computer and network. There is often a need to set up secure network links to your workplace network and ensure internet access and security. Talk to us about how to protect both your home and business during this time.
During this time it’s paramount to have secure remote access to your IT systems. There are basic solutions to remote control work computers, but in a business environment, we recommend setting up a Virtual Private Network (known as a VPN) which securely connects to your corporate network to allow you to access files and network resources. Talk to us for more information about VPNs and how we can set one up for your business.
Internet access
Announcements continue to be made regarding the demand on internet resources and how the system will cope long term. With school’s likely to be using remote learning, universities already setting up for online learning and workplaces continuing to send staff home, internet speeds will be tested. Consider the times you will need to be working, particularly if you have school children studying from home and streaming classes. To be sure you can operate we suggest you talk to your service provider.
Lastly, there is a need to ensure we stay physically and emotionally well. This means taking breaks where you move around. Set yourself a routine where you continue to move regularly. Consider standing up when on the phone or completing a round of desk-based activities every couple of hours.
For your emotional well-being ensure you talk to colleagues and friends regularly. Check up on those you feel will be struggling to deal with the isolation and make every day an R U OK? Day.
The current situation is likely to worsen with the onset of winter so we ask you to be vigilant both online and offline. If we can be of any assistance please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Justin Showell
Owner at ShowellTech